Friday 1 June 2007


I got asked a couple days ago what my top ten favourite songs to play were and so here they are

10. All Right Now (Free) - Because it's the first song I ever learnt out of lessons, and the intro riff is most awesome.
9. Sweet Child O' Mine (Guns N' Roses - Apparently this song was written in about five minutes but i still think its excellent. The intro riff is a classic and is has another good solo.
8. Heat of Moment (Asia) - Another song with alot going on. Quite basic but I love the song so much i really enjoy playing it.
7. You Don't Fool Me (Queen) - Ok song, but I love the solo it just keeps going and going.
6. These are the days of our life (Queen) - Great song and a beautiful solo which fits in with the song.
5. Let's Get Rocked (Def Leppard) - This is the shortest solo ever but I think it sounds amazing. I would highly recommend this song its got the most amazing energy.
4. Canon Rock (Jerry C) - The most watched video ever on you tube and although its become something which is repeated alot, i love it because you can't get bored playing it, it just keeps changing. You also only need to play it over Canon to make it sound good. No band is needed.
3. Stairway to Heaven (Led Zeppelin) - Because it never stays constant unlike alot of songs which repeat the same chords. The solo is excellant.
2. I Want It All (Queen) - The intro riff is possibly the coolest ever beginning to a song. When first heard it I thought I'll never be able to play that. And here I am 2 years later :D
1. Since You've Been Gone (Rainbow) - My favourite solo ever. I can never get it sound exactly like the track but I will keep trying as along as I play guitar.

Tuesday 29 May 2007

Pirates of The Caribbean 3

I loved the first one and totally fell in love with Captain Jack. He still remains the only guy who ever has a chance of turning me gay. The second one was good but got more silly and the 3rd is alot of the same. It just seems so much less swashbuckling than the first. Although it is hard to make a sequel to a one off movie, which is where I suspect alot of the problems stem from.

I thought this one had some great jokes, the little guy firing the gun and being blasted back into the hole was totally awesome. The best joke in the movie for me is at the end where the compass points behind him and he pulls out the rum, but god, damn callback humor (repeating jokes or scenes from the first 2). Trying to enjoy callback humor is like looking on the bright side of shooting yourself in the foot . The hallucinations were really really annoying and I was also disappointed by the lack of excellent music which the last ones had in abundance and this one seemed to just have repeated bits. Some of the visuals were really nice like the pirate city (made from ships) and the tunnel on the way to the land of the dead.
Jack is more silly in this movie and theres something which I just didn't like but can't put my finger on. I just didn't enjoy as much as I did the first one.

Even with all the faults I still really enjoyed it (I've seen it twice), just don't try to take it to seriously.

Saturday 26 May 2007


Hopefully I'll post on this blog about all things close to my life, and it'll sort of be a way to let of steam, and hopefully show to myself how I change over time.

Im 17 and more than anything else in this world I love music (except maybe women). I spend most of time when I'm not out, glued to my guitar or attempting to cultivate a singing voice which can actually pull off rock; it's harder than it looks. I'm not much of a natural so its alot of work.

Having said that I'm currently being swamped by A-levels so at the moment it's alot of revision. Apart from that I also do diabolo (it's a type of juggling), magic, fencing (sword fighting) and I go to the gym alot. I'll try to post a couple times and week and make sure i ain't repeating myself.
